
Tell it on the mountains!
Loud it on the rooftop!

Work is no respecter of age. Work doesn’t know that you’re too old to work. And hunger doesn’t either. Because hunger doesn’t know that you are too old to be hungry.

So, before you grow old, this is what I have to say. Don’t sleep until you have found a way to make money while you sleep. Otherwise, you’d work and hunger until you die. Point is, while you work to grow another man’s dream, also create time to work on your own dream and aspiration. In between, give yourself a deadline when you’ll quit working for another man and start building your own empire. Project a retirement age for yourself, say 30, 40,50 years of age, and work out modalities to make it come true. There is no better way to a glorious end. Because the best way to predict the future is to create it. Write your vision down and look at it EVERYDAY. Your dream must be specific. Once your dream is clear, it produces direction and instills discipline in you.

And one last word, learn to FEED your ASSETS and STARVE your LIABILITIES. If you have to stay in that one room for yet another year, and another year more, please do it. If you have to deny yourself any form of luxury or immediate gratification just to feed your assets, please do. Delay buying that car for now, unless it’ll bring money to your pocket. Delay buying that phone for now, unless it’ll bring money to your pocket. Delay it. Yes, delay it. And use that money to feed your assets.

Just do this for three years and see. You might not have to work for someone for 35yrs. And you might not have to retire and end up in ruin.

I’d like to end with this, that before you grow, know ye that the secret of your future is in your daily routine.

So, plan your day well… beginning from today!



By 1a - Künye Haber

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