
Gözlerinde buldum mutluluğun tarifsiz anlamını,

Bunca yılın ardında bıraktım yalnızlığın saltanatını ,

Bazı vakitler unutsamda seni anlatan o anlamlı mısraları ,

Kim çıkarabilir ki bu gönüle yer etmiş sevda kurşunlarını.

Ömür denen ahir Zaman divanında sözlerinde muhakemeye çektim hislerimi,

Her bakışında kötü düşüncelerden müdafaa ettim kendimi,

Zor vakitlerde seninle  buldum bütün çareleri,

Her kaldırım başında rasladım seni bana anlatan birini.

4 thoughts on “Sevda Kurşunu”
  1. I tried to “like,” the poem, but was unsuccessful. Maybe this commnt will allow me to click.

    I am only fluent in English and have forgotten most of the French and Spanish I studied so long ago. (I am 71.) I wish you the best of luck for your future. 🙂

  2. Dear Cheryl,

    It’s proud to hear these beautiful words from you. I’m trying my best to keep up with everything and educate myself as much as I can. And I hope my English will be enough one day to discuss all these subjects, such as Philosophy and Logic, as well.. Regards, Burak.

  3. Burak, I enjoyed this lovely poem. I am sure it would be even more beautiful without translation. Thank you for visiting my site and liking my poems. I also read your paper on philosophy, but most of it was over my head. I took logic in college rather than philosophy, although I’ve done some reading on my own. I suspect you’re well-versed in both! 🙂 All the best! Cheryl

    1. Thank you, madam, these good wishes, I want to say that I am very happy if I wrote well enough to earn your praise, I do not write much about philosophy, I write more poems, as I said madam, you are good Would you like my last poem, which will be a last request from you?

Burak için bir cevap yazınCevabı iptal et

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